Friday, August 26, 2016

Exciting Opportunity to Join the Jungman NL RFID Tagging Work Team!


I am very excited to invite you to be part of the Jungman NL RFID Tagging Work Group. If you have an interest in helping HPL retrofit its collections with RFID technology in order to improve the speed and efficiency of check out and return service, then this is the team for you!  Please review the attached RFID Work Group description, and if it seems like a good fit for your skill set, and you have your supervisor’s approval to apply to be a part of this work group, please complete the application (which is actually google form -
no later than noon (12:00 pm) on Tuesday, September 6th. Group members will be selected and notified (with a cc to their managers) by end of business on Wednesday, September 7th.

Please note there are a limited number of positions available on this work group, but there will be additional RFID tagging work groups available in the future, and we will select new team members for those work groups.


Christopher Patrick
Library Assistant Supervisor
Inventory Control Department

SRP Wrapup

Hello all,

We will no longer be awarding prizes, as HISD is back in session! Please send all unused incentives back to Central, ATTN: Sara Pope. If you have leftover certificates, please feel free to keep them and repurpose them (they are on really nice cardstock, so you can likely find a good use for them!) Also, if you still have stickers, you can keep them as well.

If you still have Scholastic books (registration prize), please start sending those back to Central, ATTN: Michelle Johnson. They aren’t meant to be used for any purpose other than SRP, so please don’t use them as giveaways. We are boxing them up and storing them here at Central, so they’ll be ready for SRP 2017!

If you still have a bike at your location because a winner has not come to pick it up, please let me know, and we’ll get to work on finding the next highest reader and contact him/her. Some of you have already let me know, and I am working on those locations.

Family Prize Packs were delayed (again, we were waiting for some incentives from our vendors), but they are coming to your locations with the winner’s name written on them. These winners will be contacted and instructed to come pick up the prize at your location.

Thanks so much for all of your hard work this summer!

Sara Pope, MLS
Children’s Services Coordinator