Friday, March 6, 2015

MY Link Library Card Campaign

Good afternoon, all-

As Dr. Lawson mentioned in her recent message about our MY Link Library Card Campaign (, we are poised to begin the next phase of our efforts to reach 1 million cardholders.

Our first effort is an initiative to increase the awareness of the benefits of a MY Link card as well as the importance of libraries in our community and everyday lives.

We hope to do this by collecting stories from our customers about how HPL has made a difference in their lives.  As Dr. Lawson mentioned, it might be that someone used a travel book to plan a recent trip, or used our resources to help start a business.  Maybe coming to our storytimes helped a child find the joy in reading.  Or perhaps an adoptee used our resources to find his or her birthparents.

The great news is that we know that you know some of these customers, and their stories.  We ask that you help us get the word out that we are collecting these stories – and actively encourage/recruit the participation of those customers you know have a great library story. 

Customers can participate in the following ways:

·         By filling out the HPL Stories form on our website at , or
·         Through social media using #mylinkcard.  A post can include video, photos or text, so customers can get creative!

Selected stories will be chosen for development and used in print and electronic promotions, in media pitches, and more.

We ask that you promote this opportunity to our customers beginning Monday, March 9th.  Next week, all locations will receive promotional signage, bookmarks and bags provided by our partner H-E-B.  We ask that you:

·         Place a “Tell Your Story” bookmark at each customer checkout, and
·         Ensure that bookmarks and signage are visible near all checkout stations.

Finally, I know personally of many HPL employees that have amazing and compelling stories of how the resources, services, programs and staff of HPL or other libraries have impacted our lives.  I encourage you to share your own library story if you feel comfortable doing so. 

Let me know if you have any questions.  Thanks to each of you for helping with the campaign.  Keep up the good work! 

Greg Simpson, Assistant Director
Communications Division
Houston Public Library

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