Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Weeding Workshop Training Opportunities - 07/17/15

Hello everyone.

I want to take a moment to make you all aware of a training opportunity on Friday, 07/17/15.  The Library Materials Services – Collection Development and Centralized Floating teams will offer two Hands-on Weeding Workshops for Houston Public Library staff  members.  The workshops will address multiple criteria for weeding, including CREW, and staff who attend will have the opportunity to practice what they learn by engaging in a weeding activity at the host location.  The workshops will be held 9:30 am – 11:30 am at Heights Neighborhood Library and Robinson-Westchase Neighborhood Library.  Each session will accommodate up to 20 participants, and attendees will receive two hours of training credit for their participation.

To register for one of the workshop sessions, go to the training calendar in the HPL Staff Training Portal (http://training.houstonlibrary.org/calendar-node-field-event-date-time/month), choose the session you would like to attend, and complete the online registration form.  Be sure to get your manager’s permission before registering.  Instructions for how to register are available at http://training.houstonlibrary.org/register.


Fred Schumacher
Senior Manager
Houston Public Library | Library Materials Services

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