Thursday, April 12, 2018

FLO Hotspots

Good Afternoon, Staff!

This is just to inform you, because Flores is closed, when a patron is returning a hotspot from Flores, he/she cannot have extended time for use.  Per Digital Strategies, when we receive Flores hotspots (whether it's coming from a patron or CEN through delivery), it has to go to the first person in queue for Stanaker, unless there is already a HOLD when it's being discharged.  If that person who is returning a FLO hotspot wants to be placed on the waiting list, then he/she will need to be placed onStanaker's hold list.

So, this means that when we are receiving a FLO hotspot, and there's no present hold on it, we must find out who's the first person in queue for Stanaker, remove their hold, then place another hold for them for the available FLO hotspot.  I will provide instructions in a follow-up email.


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