Friday, May 26, 2017

Important information about SRP

Good afternoon!
A few important reminders about SRP (I apologize, this email is going to be long, but it’s important information!):
On the youth services blog on the lefthand sidebar, there is a picture of the SRP artwork (it’s bright, you can’t miss it!) where we have added ALL SRP information. I’ve added the Beanstack Manual, which you can read. It walks you through doing tasks, including how to handle groups. The training Powerpoint also linked there has been slightly updated since the youth meeting (managers, you will see the updated version at the manager’s meeting).
1.       DO NOT FORGET to fill out the performer evaluation. It is found on SRP 2017 Game On button. If you are not the person watching a performer, make sure that person knows to fill out the evaluation. Please do it as soon as possible after the performance is over, so you don’t forget. The evaluation is necessary for the performer to get paid. Don’t use the performer evaluation found on the Intranet for SRP performers. If you have questions, let me know.
2.       Make sure you are not allowing your meeting rooms to go over capacity when you have your programs.
3.       Call performers a couple of days before they are performing at your location to verify that they will be coming! You can find their contact information on the 2017 SRP Performer Resource Guide.
4.       If you have groups this summer: if you need more books, contact Michelle Johnson. If you need other youth prizes, contact me and Rebecca. Tell us the ages, group name, and how many you need. MFAH tickets for adults are handled by Programming.
5.       Prize update: So far, you should have received (or will be receiving in the next couple of days) some boxes of books from Michelle, the sunglasses for kids and teens, and an envelope that contains finger puppets for babies/toddlers @ 10 books, and the Chipotle vouchers (2 separate envelopes-1 for kids, 1 for teens! They are very clearly labeled-make sure your staff can recognize the difference!), and the 5 programs attended prize for kids and teens (again, these are different items, so make sure staff can tell the difference!) The 20 and 30 level prizes will be coming soon.
I’ve done trainings at a couple of locations, and questions about handling groups have come up. A family would not be considered a group (the button says “Register an Individual or Family”); a group would be a daycare, a summer school class, a camp, etc. The “Register a Group” button will not be available until public registration opens (June 1st).
This is outlined on the Beanstack Manual, but I wanted to reiterate it here: Since there are 3 different age brackets for SRP this year, if you have a group that has mixed ages (like a daycare), if they want to register using the “All at One Time” option, you will want to break the groups up to be reflective of which bracket they fall into. The groups can all be under the same account creator. For example, Becky’s Daycare has 2 1-year-olds, 2 4-year-olds, 5 6-year olds, 1 8-year-old and 3 13-year-olds. Becky makes a group called “Becky’s Babies” and puts the 1 and 4 year olds in that group, so Becky’s Babies has 4 members, and she selects the age as 1 year (you have to make all the kids in the group the same age). “Becky’s Kids” is the second group, and she puts the 6-year-olds and 8-year-old in that group, so Becky’s Kids has 6 members, and the age is 6 years. She makes a third group called “Becky’s Teens” and puts the 3 13-year-olds in there. It is important to break up the group to reflect the ages of the group’s members, since there are different prizes for birth-4 years, 5-10 years, and 11+.
If you have any questions at all about SRP, please don’t hesitate to contact me. We want to make sure SRP goes well this summer!
Thanks so much for your hard work!

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