Thursday, January 22, 2015

2015 World Book Encyclopedia

The 2015 World Book Encyclopedia is being distributed to **some units. 

 We were only able to update World Book for about half the Neighborhood Libraries this year due to a large cut in the FY15 materials budget.  Generally, units alphabetically Acres Homes through Meyer are receiving a new set this year and the rest of the alphabet will get the 2016 edition next year.  We anticipate that this alternate-year replacement pattern will continue into the future.


What to do with the old ones? you ask:
  •       Most units that are receiving the 2015 edition will want to switch their 2014 editions to circulating and send their 2013 editions to Friends (they are pre-approved discards). 
  •         If your unit did not receive a 2015 edition, retain the 2014 edition in Reference. 

  •          2013’s may be retained for circulation if 1) your unit did not receive a 2015 edition or 2) you have need of both 2013 and 2014 sets for circulation.

How to:  Per Inventory Control and Collection Development:


  1. 1)      Switching older encyclopedias from Ref to Circ:  It is not necessary to send multi-volume sets of encyclopedias (physical items) to Processing that you want to change from reference to circulating. email the title and barcode number of the first volume to and . Processing will make the database change.  Use your unit’s label kit to make physical change.

  1. 2)       When sending encyclopedias (or any other large multi-volume set) to Friends, please ensure that the boxes are all marked with a.) title, b.) edition year, and c.) volume numbers.  This really helps the Friends immensely with matching up sets when they arrive at the warehouse and at sales.  NOTE: These boxes may not be picked up from your units for some time due to the weeding moratorium, but it is important to get them processed out of Sirsi if you’ve pulled them off the public floor.


 Please make sure this information is shared with the appropriate persons in your units.


Thank you,




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