Friday, January 9, 2015

Overriding Holds

Good Morning everyone,


Stealing the wording from Park Place’s blog on this to clear up the issue of when it is OK to override a hold.


Item Has Holds Vs Item Has Available Hold  I want to remind everyone that when you see the message “Item has available hold” pop up on Workflows, that means that the item is currently being held for that person. If it just says “Item has holds,” you can still check out the item to the customer.


So, if you see the word "available" in the pop-up box, do not override.  This item likely was taken from the hold shelf.  If you see the plural "holds" you can override, because the item was probably found on the shelf and has a hold on it, but the customer who gets it first can have it.

Please let all staff know about this.



Patrick Atkins

Senior Manager

Neighborhood Libraries

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