Saturday, February 7, 2015

HPL Staff Development Day Committee

Dear HPL Team,


Exciting news! We are planning a HPL Staff Development Day on Friday, May 1st at the George R. Brown Convention Center. This will be a wonderful opportunity for all HPL team members to join together for a day of learning, sharing, fun and festivities!


To make this day successful, we need your support. We are currently seeking dedicated, enthusiastic committee members who are ready to make this day a huge success! We hope to have a diverse group of committee members from all areas of the organization. Generally, we will bring the committee together bi-weekly through March and then weekly in April. We will try to meet on Thursdays and Fridays for about 1-2 hours per meeting.


If you are interested in serving on the HPL Staff Development Day Committee please take a moment to review the sub-committee list below and respond to me via email with your preference for participation by close of business Friday, February 13, 2015. Those selected for the committee will be notified by the 18th.



§  Program Committee: Responsibilities include selecting and coordinating speakers, identifying breakout session topics, and determining layout / flow of program


§  Logistics Committee:  Responsibilities include set-up, facility preparation, decorations, and signage/marketing materials


§  Activities Committee: Responsibilities include developing ice breakers, selecting prizes, identifying vendors/donors, and soliciting department participation


§  Food Committee: Responsibilities include menu selections for breakfast, lunch, and providing snack items


§  Registration Committee: Responsibilities include coordinating sign-in tables and distributing packets/give-a-way bags


§  Communication Committee: Responsibilities include disseminating information to staff  via email updates, website postings, or inter office correspondence; and distributing invitations



Please feel free to contact me with any questions.


 Thank you!



Ophelia R. Cespedes, SPHR

Deputy Assistant Director – Organizational Development

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