Monday, February 16, 2015

TIME to schedule for SRP!

Hi everyone,
It’s that TIME again! We need to schedule 2015 Summer Reading programs as soon as possible so that we can have print pieces in hand by mid-April.

Locations should plan for programs to take place June 1-August 1, 2015 using last summer’s calendars as a reference guide with the understanding that requesting programs/performers is NOT a guarantee that they will be scheduled. The Resource Guide, which has been updated with some new and exciting options, is attached. Please discuss preferences, dates, and times with all youth services staff and your manager before submitting them to the Programming team (copied here).

This year’s theme is…Summer Reading Time Machine: Go Back to Invent the Future! Yes, this is a spinoff of our Books Alive! CBC theme, The Good, the Mad and the Nerdy!, based on the works of Jon Scieszka, i.e. The Time Warp Trio series, Frank Einstein series, and his wild retellings of classic fairy tales!

Please note that we plan to rewind to the summer of 2014 and once again highlight STEAM learning (science, technology, engineering and math do, after all, play into the time machine theme!) through exciting programs and workshops. There will be sticker badges and reading rewards for everyone to look forward to!

Please submit the following information by the end of the day on Thursday, February 19, 2015:
1.       Programs in order of preference—please be sure to include a few extra choices in case your first choices cannot be scheduled.
2.       Day(s) of the week for programs
3.       Preferred time(s) for programs
4.       Please also share with us any free programs that you plan to schedule.

If you would like any assistance in choosing programs, we would be happy to help. If you have any questions or concerns, please let us know!

Thank you!
Carmen Peña Abrego

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