Monday, February 16, 2015

Incident Reports

Good day Team,
I just wanted to let your know to please remind your staff that when an incident occurs at a location, all staff present when the incident took place should write and submit an incident report. This is because there are several sides to a story and we want to make sure that all information needed to aid in the resolution of the matter or incident is available to us.
An incident took place recently at one of our locations and only one person sent in an incident report even though there were staff who was present and witnessed the interaction. In order to find out exactly what happened, staff had to be asked to send in a report of their experiences concerning the incident. Several days had passed at this time and they could only provide information based on how they remembered it. It would have been easier for all parties concerned if they had submitted an incident report as soon as they could.
Thanks for your help with this and have a wonderful day.

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